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We Found Summer at Water World

When we walked into Water World, Teddy looked around, gasped, and shouted, “It’s like we’re on a vacation!” He was spot-on. Nothing transforms summer in the suburbs into exotic, sun-soaked fun than a massively creative collection of water slides, pools, and playgrounds. 70 acres of rolling hills with dozens of spots to play = vacation. […]

Monsters University: The Original Party School

The closing moments of Monsters Inc. are some of the most beautiful bits of film ever made. Sully opens the Boo’s door. She exclaims, “Kitty!” and all is right in the world. It’s a lovely, quiet assurance they’ll be lifelong friends. When I first heard Disney/Pixar were making another Monsters movie, I assumed it would […]

Be bold, be bold, and everywhere be bold

Once a year, it’s our custom to strap ourselves and our kids into iffy metal contraptions that fling them around in all directions. It’s totally legal, too. One of the beauties of amusement parks and rides is they allow people step out of the ordinary hum-drum—to leave the ground under the mercy of engineers and […]