
Ancient History

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State of the Family Address ~ 2013

Once a year, our President gives a speech summing up the health and happenings of our nation. What do we need to address? What are our successes? Failings? Where are we in history? It’s like a report card. Of course, it’s wildly political no matter who is in office. The party of the President applauds […]

Combination, locked

Aidan texted me from school with news her PE class required a uniform and a combination lock. She finally got around to taking PE in high school, amusingly choosing aerobics. I had to explain aerobics when she was perusing her choices because Olivia Newton John and headbands and those high-thighed unitard things were a bit […]

Boy genius, boy genius, boy genius

When I was little, a friend of my mom’s gave a box of her kids’ outgrown clothes to us. I misheard during the exchange, thinking they were called “handy-down clothes.” This mistake persisted embarrassingly long into my adulthood. But my innocent take on the act of kindness makes sense. Hand-me-downs are handy.

After Teddy […]