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Today, Nini and I Auditioned for Wheel. Of. Fortune.

I'll take an R and a V, Pat

Category: Phrase

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

“I’ll take a D, Pat.”

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D _ _ _ D _ _ _ _ _ _ D _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

“Hmmm. Is there a T? Pat?”

T _ D _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D _ _ _ D_ T _ _ _ _ D _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T _ _ _

“I’d like to buy an E, if only to see Vanna earn her money.”

T _ D _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D _ _ _ D _ T _ _ _ ED _ _ _ _ _ EE _ _ _ _ _ _ T _ _ E

“Could there possibly be an N, Alex? I mean, Bob? I mean, Chuck? I mean, Mr. Eubanks?”

T _ D _ _ N_ N_ _ ND _ _ _ D _ T _ _ NED _ _ _ _ _ EE _ _ _ _ _ _ T _ NE

“I’ll take a 7!”


“How about an A?”

T _ DA _ N_ N_ AND _ A _ D _ T _ _ NED _ _ _ _ _ EE_ _ _ _ _ _ T_ NE

“I’d like to solve! The only thing we have to fear is fear itself!”


“Death before taxes?!”


“To be, or not to be, that is the question: Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune…”


“Okay, okay, I get the picture! Is there a W, perchance?”

T_DA_ N_N_ AND _ A_D_T_ _NED _ _ _ W_EE_ _ _ _ _ _T_NE


T_DA_ N_N_ AND _ A_D_T_ _NED F_ _ W_EE_ _F F_ _T_NE

“I’d like to solve the puzzle? Today, Nunu and I audited few weasels of fortuity?”


4 comments to Today, Nini and I Auditioned for Wheel. Of. Fortune.

  • Okay, I almost fell over on this one. After I got you comment about the SW hair on my blog, I figured I’d pay you a visit. And what do I see? Yet another similar thread in the cloth.

    Whenever we used to watch Wheel of Fortune, I’d tell my husband, “Put me on the Wheel, baby!” because I could kick some butt from the comfort of my living room.

    So, 5 years ago I almost tried out for the Wheel of Fortune. I even asked my OB if he thought I could. Why my OB?
    Because I had just delivered baby #3 via C-section. She was born on Wednesday, the tryouts were Sunday. I asked my doc if could rent a wheel chair and go to the tryouts. (Heck, it would’ve made a great story and maybe even have helped my odds.) He said yes, probably because he knew there was no way I’d be up to it.

    Turns out that was the hardest recovery of them all. Ever since then, I’ve never taken potty time for granted. Imagine what would’ve happend if I had gone.

    Oh, well. I’m sure they’ll be back in town one day.

    Now, did you really try out or is this some great satirical piece? (Like my being a fashionista.)

  • mopsy

    Oh, yes, we were there under a big tent with a disco ball. Who knew that was possible? Neither of us got to play the mock-game, but our names are in the running for the final auditions in a few months.

    Wha? You’re not a fashionista? I am, as long as I can buy my fashion at SuperTarget.

    LOVED your story—you have a very wise OB. I hope you get the opportunity again someday!

  • You must post about it!

  • mopsy

    I keep waiting for Nini to post her rendition. I am like the color commentator, she is like the play-by-play person. Actually, I have no clue what she will say about it, other than her Godiva cheesecake rocked…

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