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Soaking the celebration ~ Week 5

Water > Fire

It was like celebrating Christmas without a tree, stockings, a nativity, church by candlelight. The 4th of July in a state with a recent fireworks ban (due to crispy conditions and deadly wildfires) means a day without smoke, booms, more booms, rockets red glare, things bursting in air. We had to come up with an alternative celebration and we didn’t have to look far: Water.

On July 3rd, we drove to my parents’ home in Grand Junction—my hometown—spending the bulk of Week 5 bathed in grand-parental spoiling, good food, late nights, and a few hometown haunts. I do not envy their July water bill, though. We used a little bit. Just a little.

Originally, we were going to fill 200 water balloons, but after 150 and several hours, we called it good enough. And it was. There was plenty of water play with an epic squirt gun battle, slip and slide, and later in the week, fountain fun.

We will never forget our fire-less 4th.

Moody mountains must be crossed

A Rest Stop: Who says you have to stop? Or rest?

My mom's hydrangeas

Two things, both born in July

150 water balloons is plenty of water balloons

150 water balloons last about 47 seconds

Aftermath: Water ballon pelts are collected in exchange for cookies

Water gun grin

Battle Royale

Slip, slide, slam

Slam, slide, slip

Tommy learns what it's like to be the jelly in a donut


Summer glory

Marilyn and Archie

New hat...for Fall...I acknowledge it's coming

Wet water week for the win!


Summer break, capped and recapped:

Dipping our toes into summer’s cauldron ~ Week 1
Slamming on the brakes ~ Week 2
Bouncing back beautifully ~ Week 3
Solving a sweet mystery ~ Week 4

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