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Mr. Baby’s mild ride

The latest update on our little dude is that his fluid is holding steady. At the last ultrasound, it was 9.9 which is okay. I had a NST because he isn’t moving a lot, but he passed with a nice reactive strip.

He is head-down and facing my back. The ultrasound pictures are now limited to a foot here and there because he is so scrunched.


I have an ultrasound and NST scheduled for next Wednesday. Please continue keeping us in your prayers. I really need peace because I easily feel myself becoming unglued when he goes too long without moving. And by “too long” I mean 10 minutes. My brain has shimmied down my spine and settled in my belly—if I suddenly lost a hand or a foot, I probably wouldn’t notice. I am continually focused on what he is doing at any given moment.

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