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Your feet go skipping

In kindergarten, I learned this song.

The air is warm and the sky is blue,
The leaves are green-yellow because they are new!
Your feet go skipping and birds all sing,
The whole world is happy because it is Spring.

Haven’t they proven you never forget what you learned in kindergarten? This year, Spring was late. It’s now mid-May and trees are just getting buds. These pictures were all taken yesterday. Aspens and willows leaf-out first. Blossoms are just now peaking. Our plum tree that gets a lot of sun had a few blossoms several weeks ago, but now our more-shaded tree is having her turn to shine.

Treed by our dogs, who wouldn't know what to do with a squirrel even if they caught it.

Plum blossoms

Teddy blossoms

More plum blossoms

Finally budding

9 comments to Your feet go skipping

  • Brian

    That picture of Teddy is priceless. Wow, what a face 🙂

  • Mom

    He is cute and smart!

    • Gretchen

      LOL! For those who might think this comment is simply a grandmother being braggy, here’s the story behind it:

      One day, I asked Teddy, “Are you cute?” (he was being really cute)

      He replied, “No, I’m smart.”

      (he’s 2) (and super scary smart)

  • Charlotte

    I have been pretty weirded out by the late blooming trees this year. I feel like it has been only this last week they are finally budding.

  • Katherine

    Hi, My mother remembers this song from school too and I am trying to find what it is called so I can find a recording of it for her. Do you have any other info about this song?

    • Gretchen

      Hello Katherine! Thanks for stopping by. I wish I knew what it was called. My kindergarten teacher, named Mrs. DeGette, taught it to us in the spring of 1977 and obviously I’ve never forgotten. It’s a sweet little song. I hope you can find a recording. I still sing it, but if I made a recording, I’d break the internet. Let me know if you find it.

  • Debbie V.

    I also learned this song in 1st Grade – 1956. I still remember it well.

  • Debbie

    Thank you!!!!! I also learned this when I first entered school in 1963. My daughter is finishing her training to be a preschool teacher so I\’ve been going nuts trying to remember the line \”your feet go skipping,\” because I loved this song as a little girl and I thought she could teach it to her class. I have always remembered the rest of it clearly. Thanks again!

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