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Saturday Siblings ~ The Teenagers

Here’s another imperfect photo, but I still love it. Aidan is blinking, Ryley’s hair looks like a LEGO minifig wig, and Sam is being simply Sam. They are my three oldest, born within three years, and I wouldn’t change one thing about them. The photo was taken during our recent trip to Elitch Gardens. I […]

Hi, School. Hi, Squirrel.

Yesterday, I popped over to our neighborhood high school to finish the registration process for Sam. As I parked, I realized how different it felt to do it for the third time. When I registered Aidan, I literally felt nauseated as I walked to the building, noting boys with beards and F-bombs flying. How would […]

Saturday Siblings ~ Whovians

doctor who yarn bomb arvada

I’ve only seen two episodes of Doctor Who: “Blink”—which scared the wee out of me. The second was the one with the baby who fancied himself some kind malevolent ruler of the universe. I watched because I was pregnant with Ollie and we needed a baby name. I crossed Stormeggedon, Dark Lord of All off […]