Another child has triumphed over maternal cluelessness. The eyes don’t lie.
When the optometry tech slipped the glasses up Tommy’s nose, I saw, too.
He looked like he was seeing, um, everything for the first time. He got up and skipped around the store. He said whoa and awesome and I can read that sign! while pointing across the room.
The problem with catching vision problems is they happen gradually. Clues fall into place: The tendency to stand 2 feet away from a 42-inch flat screen TV. The teacher reporting the child likes to stand right in front of the smartboard, blocking everyone else’s view. Coming home from school with headaches. Often, there is a moment when the biggest piece of the puzzle is snapped into place. In Tommy’s case, it was his 8-year well child checkup. The hallway screening suggested his eyesight was a very iffy 20/70.
Tommy wasn’t thrilled with the idea of getting glasses, but now that he sees that he sees? He hasn’t taken them off, except to sleep and shower. He is very proud of them. He chose them on his own.
Today is his first day at school with glasses. I hope kids are being kind.
I love how glasses look on a person and Tommy, those suit you perfectly.
.-= Mary-LUE´s last blog ..Um… er… =-.
He looks so CUTE! And those are great glasses. Studious and yet cool.
.-= Beck´s last blog ..Fridaaaaaay! =-.
They look great! On the being kind part…they might not be. Our son struggled a bit with some kids’ comments, but it made him stronger over time. Your son has beautiful eyes!
.-= sonja´s last blog ..Hooky in Holly =-.
My brother got glasses a few years ago when he was 8 (yes, I have much much younger brothers). He was really nervous and took them off all the time at first but now he loves them and doesn’t even like putting in contacts for basketball. Your Tommy looks great! Very grown-up and cool.
Oh I hope so, too. Noah wears glasses and the kids have been great. Plus, Tommy looks absolutely HANDSOME!!!!!
.-= Adventures In Babywearing´s last blog ..Nest Feathering: Little Alouette =-.
Those are AWESOME glasses! Claire (as you know, is 4years old and has glasses, too) just said, “Those are COOL glasses!”
.-= The Casual Perfectionist´s last blog ..A behind-the-scenes peek at Live TV =-.
Excellent choice Tommy. Very dashing.
And as a kid who had bifocals in the first grade, I will say kids can be tough. But seeing has great value, so there is that.
.-= Sara Joy´s last blog ..Images =-.
I love the frames he chose. He looks so great.
Don’t feel bad – my vision was 20/200 when I first got my glasses! I remember wearing those first glasses home and realizing what I hadn’t been seeing!
.-= Anonymouse´s last blog ..guest blogger =-.
He looks great!
They look really great. I actually remember that moment for myself. I picked up a friends glasses (and this was when I was about 23, mind you) and put them on. All of a sudden I was like, Whoa! Awesome! I can see that painting:)
.-= Beth – Total Mom Haircut´s last blog ..Philly Events for the Green Thumbs Out There =-.
Tommy, you have a great style going on there. Lookin’ good!
.-= Heth´s last blog ..A Story About Worms =-.
He did such a great job picking those out! I agree with Steph, he looks really handsome.
.-= Kristin´s last blog of conciousness =-.
I love the new glasses! Very cool. My eight-year-old got glasses this year too. Surprisingly, no one has made fun of him. Hopefully Tommy will have the same fortune.
.-= Amy´s last blog ..Sunday Links =-.
Look how clean and shiny (and not scratched!) they are! What a handsome young man.
.-= Miranda´s last blog ..My Boys are Teething! =-.
He looks great in glasses. And I always try to tell my patients about several websites where you can buy affordable glasses. I’ve always felt like glasses are such a racket. But here are some great websites with very affordable glasses: (some of theirs are $8 – including lenses) (not surprisingly, these cost$39) (also reasonable)
I’m not sure if they all have children’s glasses, but you can always measure the size of the ones he has and try to find something similar. All you need is his prescription and pupillary distance (which his doctor should be able to tell you.)
As someone who is prone to losing things, it’s nice to have an extra pair of glasses around that didn’t cost me an arm and a leg.
Oh how cute is that and so sparky!!! Our first kidlet to get glasses was 2 ish and needed them instantly and obviously from one day to the next. The next one was a bit more subtle!!!! We were learning to tell the time and he couldn’t see the clock… and I just thought he was being annoying (it can happen with regard to math) and then he kept saying he couldn’t see this or that – but when he said he couldn’t find the kettle I knew it was time to do something!!! So we waited for the next annual eye checkup and when he was asked to read the top line of the chart he said: “What chart?”… He had glasses within the week and um I guess that wasn’t my best mothering moment!!!
.-= se7en´s last blog ..Saturday Spot: Noordhoek Village and the Foodbarn… =-.
He is looking handsome in his new glasses! Funny you posted this cause this was our story a few weeks ago with my almost 9 year old. Squinting became a habit, he said he couldnt read the words projected on the screen during church, etc. Turns out he has pretty bad vision in one eye, and it isnt so hot in the other eye either. Anyhow I hope that kids are kind to him, its a tough world out there for our kids.
wow, he looks great! what a cutie!
The glasses he picked look very nice on him. It sounds like he loves the whole new world that’s open to him!
.-= Melanie´s last blog ..Another Year Older =-.
WOW! Those glasses show off those beautiful eyes so well. What a handsome guy!
.-= Emily´s last blog ..Endless Gifts XXIII =-.
What a handsome guy!!
Twin B. wears glasses. It’s kind of cool now in school to have glasses…I hope the same trend is out your way!
.-= Llama Momma´s last blog ..those mothers =-.
“Clues fall into place: The tendency to stand 2 feet away from a 42-inch flat screen TV. The teacher reporting the child likes to stand right in front of the smartboard, blocking everyone else’s view. Coming home from school with headaches.”
Um. Hello, Dacey. The standing in front of the TV (it’s not a big screen, but it’s not small either) and the coming home from school with headaches . . . check and check. It never occurred to me to have her vision checked. Thank you, Gretchen!
(Oh, he looks SMASHING by the way!)
.-= Megan@SortaCrunchy´s last blog ..40 Days of Joy {day 11} – Like a Lion =-.
I LOVE thos glasses! They seem to fit his personality just right and really bring out his beautiful eyes. Hope that his first bespectacled day at school went well!
Love the new specs! I got them when I was 9, and though mine were ugly (and his are super-cool), they sure did help!
he looks adorable! so nice when kids can actually see. i remember that feeling with my daughter!
He looks great in his glasses. I also just started wearing glasses and I find myself taking them off and putting them back on…totally in awe that I used to see things in such a blur and didn’t even KNOW! Like you said..because it happens so slowly. I hope the kids are kind to him
.-= Melany´s last blog ..And so it starts =-.
He looks really great in them!
My Asher had that same moment of WOW I CAN SEE! and it was so beautiful 🙂
.-= Heather of the EO´s last blog ..Quiet =-.