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Spaghetti Watch 2008

I made it last night. I can only make two more spaghetti dinners this month.

That is all.

Thanks for holding me accountable.

9 comments to Spaghetti Watch 2008

  • I made it last night too!

    Anonymouse’s last blog post..(part of) a year in review

  • Does spaghetti pie count? Ask the spaghetti referee, whoever that is.

    Heth’s last blog post..Pre-Digital

  • mopsy

    Heth—Any combination of spaghetti and a tomato-based sauce is under the thumb of my stupid oath.

    Anonymouse—spaghetti is Monday food to me. Do other people link foods with days of the week?

  • I made it last night, too. =)

    Robin’s last blog post..8/365

  • Mopsy–I used to always think of pizza as a Tuesday food. Papa John’s had a college special on Tuesdays, and Husband and I wore out on pineapple (that’s right, just pineapple) pizza.

    Heidi’s last blog post..Smacking of Reason and Rightness

  • You know that in many countries they eat the SAME food every single meal. Korea –rice and kimchee. Ethiopia — injera (flat bread) and wat (stew).

    I think it is an American thing to think that we have to eat something different every day of the week.

    So don’t feel bad if that spaghetti sneaks in more times than you’d planned….

    Mary, mom to many, including 4 Ethiopians and 2 Koreans, all of whom like spaghetti

    owlhaven’s last blog post..Backyardigans does it again

  • mopsy

    You are right, Mary. We don’t *need* a different meal every night of the week. I was in a total cooking rut, though, and spaghetti is the fall-guy—the symbol of my lazy malcreativity (is that a word?)

    Everyone here likes spaghetti, too. Maybe they’ll like it more now that I’m not sliding plates full of spaghetti in front of them all the time. 🙂

  • I’ve been on a soup kick lately. My kids all give me that wide eyed “you’re kidding. again?” look whenever I ladle up another bowl ‘o soup for them. Haven’t had spaghetti in a while. As for eating something different each night – I obsess about that. LOL. It bugs me to have something twice in a month, unless it involves someone else cooking it!

    Jenn’s last blog post..Okay – so THAT didn’t take long!

  • Shayne

    See, to me, spaghetti is Friday food. In fact, it’s on the menu tonight. I think it stems from my pre-baby marathon running days when we would carb load on Friday nights in anticipation of a long run on Saturday.

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