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Yay for the return of one of my favorite shows.

2 comments to Psych!

  • I love Psyche. And as a matter of fact, we went out of town just for a day and a half. Fell asleep early the night we stayed in the hotel because I was so pooped. Woke up at a little after 1 am and was so awake I started flipping channels and came across Psyche. I laid there in bed, watching and laughing by myself till it was over. Then I turned the tv back and went back to sleep. That was fun.
    .-= Dorci´s last blog ..Friday Funnies – Me Community Church =-.

  • If we ever end up paying a visit to your house or you to ours, at least I know there won’t be any controversy over what to watch on TV. We like all the same shows!
    .-= Shayne´s last blog ..The Best Part of Making Brownies =-.

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