
Ancient History

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Over the Mountains

Let’s sing to the tune of “Over The River and Through the Woods”

Over the mountains and through the desert
To Row-Row’s* house we go…
Daddy sure can
maneuver the van
through traffic and speed traps and snow!

Over the mountains and through the desert
Oh how the kids do whine!
The seats get kicked
Mommy gets ticked
“200 miles” said the road sign!

Over the mountains and through the desert
“When are we getting there?”
“She looked at me!”
“I gotta poopy!”
“There is gum stuck in my hair!”

Over the mountains and through the desert
Pop in a DVD
The kids finally glad
Except mom and dad
Who must listen to Bugs Bunny!

Over the mountains and through the desert
Finally we are there!
Hug and kiss
The family we miss
For this…the car-trip we bear.

*Row-Row is what they call one of their grandmas

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