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Today is National Delurking Day. It’s hard to believe it’s already been a year since the last delurking day. Thankfully, my shopping is done, the decorations are up, and I can enjoy this festive day. So how does delurking work?

I am Glinda. You are the hiding Munchkins. I sing to you as a tremulous soprano:

Come out, come out wherever you are
And meet the middle-aged lady who writes a dumb blog.
She writes with her phone, she writes in her chair,
And Lifenut she says is the name of the dumb blog.

Here’s your cue. Peek out from behind your giant flowers, hatch out of your eggs, and say hello. Asking people to delurk is a little scary because if nobody does it? It’s sad.

Also, if you are an old or new friend, feel free to say hello.

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