
Ancient History

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Chain letters

I’ve added a few links on the sidebar. Some are bloggers who have been around for a long time, some are new. All are worth a read.

If you have a blog you would like add, use the contact form. I understand some bloggers do not want to be linked to because the blogs are intended to be for family and friends. I do not want to link to you if you want to keep your blog more private, so if you don’t see your blog’s name on the sidebar and you are a regular reader it is because I don’t want to assume its okay. I think you know who you are. Or maybe you don’t. Either way, contact me and I will add your blog as a link if I don’t find your blog completely worthless and repulsive.

What is worthless and repulsive? Blogging how your mustache gets really soggy when you drink Coors Light from a Solo cup at the demolition derby. And how you remedy the situation. And how you are a woman. An 85 year old woman.

I reserve the right to say no.

I only want to add blogs that are regularly updated and share in my same basic values—wanting to become a better spouse, parent, friend, person and writing about the funny, poignant, and eye-opening things we encounter along the way.

If you are mortified I linked to you, also feel free to kindly ask me to remove the link. No hard feelings.

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