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It’s a chore she genuinely enjoys.

When leaves fall in our yard, Aidan is eager to swipe them into tidy piles. Unfortunately, she takes her leaf piles a little too seriously because she gets miffed when they are disturbed.

I told her she lives in the wrong family to hold the unreasonable expectation that a pile of leaves can remain undisturbed. It’s hard to find people who can resist a pile ‘o leaves—especially the little ones.

Joel, Beatrix, and Archie invaded. Aidan looked at me helplessly, imploring me to do something.

I was torn about telling the little ones to stop. I wanted to honor her hard work.

But I wanted the little ones to have the experience of bounding around in leaves.

So we compromised. Out of the 4 piles, the little ones had permission to destroy 1.

25% decimated!

100% happy!

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