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Don’t Tread On Me

Gretchen has been after me for some time to write another “guest blog.” I’m not so sure she wants me to write because she thinks the process will be good for me. Rather, I think she feels having my perspective on the year thus far will bring us even closer together. This helps her, of […]

Getting stuck on the Internet Highway

I find it somewhat amusing, but mostly intimidating when my wife ends up with the writer’s equivalent of a traffic jam. Of course, I’m talking about writer’s block. She gets so frazzled when she gets stuck because she loves the writing. And she pesters me for things to write about when her ideas are already […]

Going to the Movies

I wrote a “guest blog” a couple of weeks ago while Gretchen was attending her Woman’s retreat. I debated myself quite a long time before finally deciding to post. (Precedent can be a dangerous adventure if one is not willing to take on the task again). But I decided the need to tell Joel’s story […]